International Conference

on Blended Learning Ecosystem for Higher Education in Agriculture

Thematic Areas

In alignment with the core purpose of the conference to identify the best strategies in blended teaching-learning, it would be organized into a few thematic areas. These areas would primarily focus on the key aspects of operationalizing RAES – technology for education delivery, e-Learning content, partnerships for sustainability and system-wide capacity building. The themes are contemporary and relevant, and the outcome of discussions would be to identify the best possible models for each given the context of agricultural higher education. To this end, the discussions would draw upon learning from global leading practices, current global dialogues, stakeholder perceptions and empirical evidence of efficacy. The Conference would be guided by four thematic areas and one thematic track, for which a special symposium would be organized. In the table below, each of the thematic areas and thematic track has been described and key questions of exploration articulated.

Thematic Areas

  • Strategies for blended teaching-learning
  • Technologies for blended ecosystem
  • Sustainability in blended learning ecosystem
  • Building stakeholder capacities to navigate in a blended teaching-learning ecosystem
  • Contemporary curriculum for agricultural education

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